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CAP Resident Code of Conduct

The number of community associations in the United States has experienced significant growth, increasing from 10,000 in 1970 to 342,000 in 2016, according to CAI’s National and State Statistical Review for 2016. This upward trend in Community Association Management continued, with estimates ranging between 345,000 and 347,000 by the end of 2017. As the population residing in community associations rises, there is a corresponding demand for skilled professionals. The Foundation for Community Association Research reports that over 55,000 community managers, integral to Community Association Management, play a crucial role in developing and maintaining well-run community associations across the country.

In today’s community associations, the norm is highly qualified professional community association managers, showcasing the evolution of Community Association Management. It is essential for residents to understand the manager’s responsibilities, as some may have expectations beyond the scope of the agreement between the Association and the Management Company. When such expectations aren’t met, residents may experience dissatisfaction. In essence, the manager has two primary responsibilities: implementing policies set by the board and overseeing the association’s day-to-day operations.

To address common resident questions and concerns:

  • The Community Property Manager, while trained to handle conflicts, typically does not intervene in personal disputes with neighbors. Residents should notify the manager if there are violations of association rules though.
  • While closely collaborating with the board, the Community Property Manager serves as an advisor and is not a board member. Residents can inquire or express concerns to the property management team.
  • Despite working for the board, the Community Property Manager is available to residents as well through mail, email, and phone. The goal is to have a response to email by the next business day or 48 business hours at the latest. With regard to phone calls, the goal is a response the same day or the next business day at the latest. CINC also serves as a communication tool with a wealth of information at the users’ fingertips.

Additional points to note:

  • The Community Property Manager monitors contractors’ performance but does not supervise them. Concerns with contractors should be reported to the management team.
  • While responsible for inspections per contractual obligations, even experienced Community Property Managers may not catch everything. Residents’ assistance is vital in reporting violations, modifications, or potential maintenance issues to the management team.
  • The Community Property Manager does not set policy. Residents with disagreements should communicate concerns to the board through email, or by attending meetings.
  • The Community Property Manager offers recommendations based on expertise but is not a qualified engineer, architect, attorney, or accountant. Technical advice in specialized areas is provided by experts.
  • While a valuable resource, the Community Property Manager is not available 24/7. Emergencies threatening life or property should be directed to the after-hours service. Non-emergency inquiries can be made to the Heartbeat Team by email, or voicemail, with responses expected on the next business day.

Residents with additional questions are encouraged to reach out to the Vice President of Property Management, Aaron Monaco.