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Creating Sustainable HOAs

A guide for improving social, environmental, and financial sustainability in your community

More than just a management company. We believe in sustainable communities.

CAP Management is an industry leader in community-scale sustainability, ranging from environmental initiatives, to community building, to long-term financial planning. During 2020, CAP Management partnered with a wonderfully talented team of graduate students from University of Colorado Boulder’s Masters of the Environment Program to develop a comprehensive Guidebook for Creating Sustainable HOAs, the first ever publication on the topic. Through this research, our team understands the processes and planning it takes for sustainable property management in Denver – and how we can make this work for your HOA.

Environmental – Financial – Social

The guidebook covers a variety of topics relevant to HOA and Condominium communities in Colorado and nationally, organized in the topics of environmental, financial, and social sustainability. The book was developed through research of best practices, industry interviews, subject matter experts, and case study examples. This way, our team was able to take a holistic approach to understanding and implementing property management sustainability for current and future HOAs. The environmental topics include strategies for cost-saving conservation and efficiency measures as well as emerging innovations like electric vehicle infrastructure. Financial sustainability is presented through the lens of financial literacy, reserve study projects, and the benefits of long-term financial planning. Finally, social sustainability is discussed in terms of community engagement, Board transparency, and equitable governance.

Leading the way in Denver, Colorado CAP Management is proud to actively participate in Colorado’s sustainability community, a national leader in many regards. By partnering and collaborating with established disciplines of sustainable development, we bring innovations and expertise to HOA communities. As an industry, HOA governance has a significant influence on both the built and human environments of a residential community. CAP Management believes the industry here in Colorado has a great opportunity before it to respond to the environmental challenges of our growing residential region, while building financially and socially resilient HOAs in the process..

CAP Management can provide you with the framework for sustainable property management in Denver to make your vision of a socially conscious HOA a long-term mission.