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How Multi-family and Multi-Story HOAs in Denver Can Achieve Energy Efficiency and Compliance

Denver’s “Energize Denver” initiative sets ambitious targets for energy reduction in buildings across the city, aiming to significantly lower utility costs and environmental impact for buildings both 25,000+ sq ft and < 25,000 sq ft. For multifamily, multi-story homeowners associations (HOAs), understanding and complying with these requirements is essential for avoiding fines and benefiting financially and environmentally. This post delves into how your HOA, which is over 25,000 sq ft, can navigate these regulations effectively, especially focusing on buildings with an energy use intensity (EUI) target of 44.2.

Understanding Your Building’s EUI and Compliance Pathway

Property managers and HOA boards must first check their building’s specific EUI target. If your building’s standard EUI target is listed as 44.2 but includes amenities like a parking garage or a heated swimming pool, you qualify for a Target Adjustment. This adjustment acknowledges the additional energy usage of these facilities and modifies your EUI targets, making them more attainable.

If you want to learn more about the Energize Denver Program, reach out to Denver’s Office of Climate Action, Sustainability & Resiliency:
– For buildings over 25,000 sq ft: Check your building’s EUI target by typing in your address.
– For buildings 5,000-24,999 sq ft:
– Phone (M-F 8am-5pm): 844-536-4528
Schedule an appointment

Detailed Energy Analysis with ASHRAE Level II

Once you understand your EUI target, the next recommended step is to receive an ASHRAE Level II audit. This service offers a comprehensive analysis of your building’s energy systems alongside a cost-benefit analysis that includes payback periods. Importantly, it ties these improvements directly to your building’s specific EUI targets for the upcoming years, providing a clear roadmap to compliance.

Exploring Electrification with a Free Report

Consider applying for a Free Electrification Feasibility Report (EFR). This assessment evaluates the cost feasibility of converting your natural gas systems to electric. Electrification can be a significant step towards reducing your building’s carbon footprint and meeting regulatory requirements.

Adjusting Timelines for Compliance

f after receiving these reports, you believe that meeting the 2025, 2027, or 2030 compliance timelines will be challenging, apply for a Timeline Adjustment. This flexibility allows buildings to set realistic compliance schedules based on detailed information and specific circumstances. To apply for a Timeline Adjustment, you must include your ASHRAE Level II energy audit and your EFR in your application.

If you want to learn more about getting an ASHRAE Level II energy audit, completing a Target or Timeline Adjustment, or completing an Electrification Feasibility Report, reach out to Abraxas Energy.

Boosting Efficiency with Xcel’s Program

Participate in Xcel’s Multifamily Building Efficiency Program, which provides an introductory energy assessment. This program also assists in replacing bulbs with LEDs and installing faucet aerators on showerheads and sinks. These straightforward upgrades reduce both energy and water consumption.

If you want to learn more about receiving an initial energy assessment or replacing bulbs with LEDs for free, reach out to Xcel Energy’s Multifamily Building Efficiency Program.

The Solar Opportunity

Investing in solar energy can be a game-changer. Consider having a specialist from ARE Solar assess your roof and electrical systems to determine if installing solar panels is viable. With the incentives and tax credits available through the Inflation Reduction Act, even tax-exempt entities like HOAs can now receive direct financial benefits, making solar an attractive investment.
If installing panels is not feasible, think about joining a community solar program. This allows you to enjoy the benefits of solar power without the need for rooftop installations, and it can simplify meeting Denver’s reporting requirements.

If you want to assess your roof for rooftop solar potential, reach out to ARE Solar here: or

If you want to learn more about signing up for a community solar farm, reach out to Grid Avec.

Financing Big Projects

For significant upgrades or installations, consult with financial institutions like Alpine Bank that offer HOA-friendly loans. They consider the broader economic health of your HOA in their underwriting process, potentially easing the path to funding large-scale improvements.

If you want to learn more about HOA-friendly loans, reach out to Alpine Bank.

Navigating the requirements of Energize Denver requires taking a strategic approach to understanding and meeting these regulations. Your HOA can not only avoid penalties but also enhance the value and sustainability of your property. Engage with these recommended services and consider all available financial aids and adjustments to ensure your successful compliance journey.