Off to the Desert We Go! – The Thanksgiving Blog

The Thanksgiving holiday has arrived, so off to the desert we go! We definitely like to have fun at CAP Management but we also work very hard to ensure that our HOAs get the highest quality of service possible. While we enjoy the work that we do, it can certainly be exhausting! For this reason, we are all very excited to be on our hard-earned break.
There are just over a dozen employees at CAP Management. Some of us have selected to spend the time off with family, as is appropriate and can be expected, but some of us have decided to give into our wanderlust and sense of adventure. Alex Bergeron, our Chief Sustainability Officer and Community Advocate, and Samira Yasmin, our Office Administrator, are spending the first five days of this nine-day break in the most remote parts of our state and of neighboring Utah…and perhaps all of the contiguous United States. First, our explorers are spending a couple of days in the wild backcountry south west of Grand Junction. They have gone to see firsthand the Rattlesnake Arches – the second largest collection of natural sandstone arches in the country after Arches National Park (which is their second stop!). After doing some more hiking and seeing the sights at Arches NP, Alex, Samira and friends are off to Canyonlands National Park (Alex’s all-time favorite hiking destination). There they are venturing into the heart of the desert, as Alex likes to say – this time through Taylor Canyon to a prominent sandstone structure called Moses and Zeus. After all is said and done, these adventurers will have hiked about 30 miles and spent four nights under the desert sky (bundled up of course – talk about cold!). Such brave young people we do employ. We’re sure they are doing just fine out there as they’ve done this kind of thing together before (pictured). Afterwards, it’s back to Denver for their ‘orphans and travelers Thanksgiving’ with about 15 other friends. Alex and Samira are certainly making the most of this time off!
It’s not just those two that are headed out for some classic Western fun. CAP Management’s founder and president, Chris Crigler, is being joined by assistant property manager Jess Pletcher and new property manager, Greg Maloney to Glenwood Springs. How are they getting there? The best way! As their station of departure so blatantly encourages, they will be ‘travelling by train.’ Hot springs this time of year certainly are welcoming! As for the rest of the group, some quality time with family and friends is very enjoyable and well-deserved. We really do have such a great team here. Glad that everyone is doing what brings them joy.
Happy Thanksgiving from everyone at CAP Management!